Merck Sharp & Dohme | Overview | Mettler Toledo |
2022 | Base Partner | |
2021 | Silver Partner | |
2019 | Silver Partner | |
2018 | Silver Partner | |
2017 | Silver Partner | |
2016 | Base Partner | |
2015 | Base Partner | |
2014 | Base Partner | | |
Metrohm |
We are
Metrohm is a high-tech company with 60 subsidiaries all around the globe. Our high-precision instruments for chemical analysis are among the best in the world. We are growing faster than the market and outperform our competitors; in our main business, titration, we are the global number one. We are independent: Metrohm is owned by the charitable Metrohm foundation.
We offer
You challenging, highly rewarding opportunities at the interface between chemistry, electronics, software and mechanical engineering, and our global customers. Young talents with a «cando» attitude get the chance to take on responsibility quickly. People, who come to work for us enjoy a stimulating working environment.
We are looking for
We are looking for young talents eager to start their career as achemist / chemical engineer | |
software engineer | |
electronics engineer | |
design engineer |
Interview 2021

Tobias Favero
Systems Engineer
Systems Engineer
BSc und MSc in Interdisziplinären Naturwissenschaften, ETH Zürich (2011-2017) | |
BSc in Informationstechnologie, ZHAW Winterthur (2005-2008) | |
Lehre als Chemielaborant, Coca-Cola Amatil AG (1997-2000) |
Systems Engineer, Metrohm (2018-present) | |
Softwareentwickler, NovaLink (2009-2011) | |
Chemielaborant, Coca-Cola Beverages AG (2000-2003) |
Was ist ihre derzeitige Tätigkeit bei Metrohm?
Ich habe als Kernteammitglied die Fachverantwortung für ein Team in der Abteilung Systems Engineering.
Mein Team begleitet verschiedene Projekte mit Experimenten im Labor,
diese Aufgaben beinhalten aber nicht nur "klassische" Laborarbeit sondern ist sehr interdisziplinär,
da in der Geräteentwicklung verschiedene Disziplinen sehr eng zusammen arbeiten und es unumgänglich ist
fachlich über den Tellerrand zu schauen. In der Rolle als Kernteammitglied bin ich neben der
Ressourcen- und Arbeitsplanung auch für die Qualität der Ergebnisse unseres Teams verantwortlich.
Welchen Rat würden Sie einem „frischen“ ETH Absolventen geben, der sich auf Jobsuche begibt?
Sei offen für Stellen die auf den ersten Blick nicht genau deinem Fächerpacket aus dem Studium entsprechen,
den perfekten Match wird es sowieso nie geben, und vielfach sind die Aufgaben und Verantwortungsbereiche nachträglich für
entsprechend geeignete Kandidat:innen ausbaubar. Ausserdem erfordern viele Stellen auch sehr generelle Fähigkeiten wie eine
schnelle Auffassungsgabe, erfassen und beurteilen von Daten, oder manchmal auch schlicht Durchhaltewillen.
Diese Softskills hast du schon viel geübt und unter Beweis gestellt während deinem Studium an der ETH,
vergiss nicht das in deinen Bewerbungen herauszustreichen.
Wie sieht Ihr klassischer Arbeitstag bei Metrohm aus?
Ein "normaler" Arbeitstag besteht aus 2-3 Meetings bei denen es meistens um die teamübergreifende
Koordination der verschiedenen Projekte geht. Die restliche Zeit verbringe ich vor allem mit bilateralen fachlichen
Gesprächen innerhalb meines Teams, dabei beurteilen wir zusammen aktuelle Daten, diskutieren Problemstellungen oder
besprechen die Dokumentation der Ergebnisse.
Wie kam es, dass sie nun für Metrohm arbeiten? Wie sind sie auf die Firma aufmerksam geworden?
Ich habe mich nach meinem Studium an der ETH nach einer Stelle umgesehen bei der meine Doppelqualifikation
(Chemie/IT) ein Mehrwert sein kann. Da in Analysegeräten und Sensoren diese beiden Disziplinen oft eng verzahnt sind,
habe ich mich vor allem bei Firmen beworben die Laborgeräte entwickeln, so bin ich auf die Metrohm gestossen.
Wie lief ihr Bewerbungsprozess bei Metrohm?
Ich habe mich auf eine Stelle als Teilprojektleiter beworben, bei der ich aber im ersten Anlauf
abgelehnt worden bin. Da die Metrohm meinen Lebenslauf spannend fand wurde mir im Anschluss angeboten mein Dossier vorerst
zu behalten um bei passenden Stellen auf mich zurück zu kommen. Dies ist kurze Zeit später auch passiert, ich wurde eingeladen
mich für eine andere Stelle vorzustellen und habe diese im Anschluss erhalten.
Was glauben Sie unterscheidet Metrohm von anderen Chemiefirmen?
Was sind die drei grössten Vorteile von Metrohm?
Ein grosser Vorteil ist, dass der grösste Teil der Entwickler:innen vor Ort in Herisau stationiert ist,
dies fördert und erleichtert die disziplinenübergreifende Zusammenarbeit enorm.
Eine Kultur der offenen Türen unterstützt die Zusammenarbeit zusätzlich,
sodass viele Fragen im persönlichen Gespräch gelöst werden können. Ein weiterer grosser Vorteil
ist die stetige Weiterbildung der Mitarbeiter:innen, dies wird von der Firma Metrohm aktiv gefördert.
Was haben sie studiert und war die Tatsache,
dass Sie einen ETH Abschluss hatten, ein Vorteil für den Einstieg in die Berufswelt?
Ich habe Interdisziplinäre Naturwissenschaften studiert.
Dies ist aber nicht meine Erstausbildung da ich bereits eine Lehre als Chemielaborant und ein Studium in Informatik
(ZHAW Winterthur) abgeschlossen habe und sowohl im Labor als auch als Softwareentwickler
schon einige Jahre Berufserfahrung mitbrachte. Meine aktuelle Stelle ist jedoch die erste nach dem ETH Abschluss,
insofern war es schon ein Einstieg in eine neue berufliche Perspektive. Bei den Bewerbungen hat mir der ETH Abschluss
vor allem durch seine Reputation geholfen, als Absolvent habe ich viel Vorschussvertrauen hinsichtlich meiner Fähigkeiten
erhalten komplexe Probleme zu lösen und mich selbständig in neue Fragestellungen einzuarbeiten.
Interview 2019

Karina Hasler
Systems Engineer
Systems Engineer
“Master of Science ETH in Chemistry”, ETH Zurich, Switzerland (2014-2015) | |
“Bachelor of Science ETH in Chemistry“, ETH Zurich, Switzerland (2009-2014) | |
Maturität, Secondary school in Nuolen (2005-2009) |
Teamleader at Systems Engineering, Metrohm AG (2019) | |
Core Team Member at Systems Engineering, Metrohm AG (2017) | |
Systems Engineer at Systems Engineering, Metrohm AG, Herisau, Switzerland (2015) |
What are your responsibilities as team leader at Metrohm?
The main task of a team leader is to improve the personal skills of the employees so
that they can reach their future career opportunities. The team leader also serves as
the primary point of contact to discuss personal issues or problems with their
You started your work at Metrohm directly after graduating with a Master’s degree
from ETH Zürich. How did the application process work for you? Did you have to
compete with other candidates that did a PhD?
There did not appear to be any competition between PhD and Master’s degree during
the application process, but there were other challenges. I only applied for jobs in
analytics where a PhD is not necessary, nor will it be considered for salary. Many
applications have been rejected due to lack of practical experience for positions
requiring a Master’s degree, and for being overqualified for lab technician positions.
How does your daily work life look like at Metrohm? Do you normally work at the
same location or do you get to travel for work?
My daily work life constantly changes on a daily basis. Through the interdisciplinary
workspace, no day looks like another. As a core team member, I serve assist with
project leadership to coordinate different tests of many projects and connect the
different disciplines. My responsibilities as a team leader give me a different
perspective that is independent of routine technical work which allows me the
opportunity to lead a team completely—including the coordination and support of
five colleagues with their technical and personal challenges. So, how can one day be
like the other one?
My work mostly takes place in Herisau, so there is not much need to travel on a
regular basis.
You graduated in chemistry. Does Metrohm also employ graduates with a different
Yes, Metrohm employs people with diverse backgrounds and is an interdisciplinary
workplace. For example, I have colleagues with degrees in electronics and various
engineering specialties. There also can be found some interdisciplinary backgrounds
in the department of Systems Engineering, where the laboratory tests are done.
How important is harmony between work and outside life for you? Does Metrohm
offer a good work-life balance for its employees?
The Work-Life-Balance is very important for me and for all my team members.
Metrohm offers many possibilities for a good work-life balance and offers amenities
such as an exercise room as well as a relaxing room. In addition, there are events held
like the companies run of St.Gallen as well as ‘Bike to work’.
You were already promoted twice during your employment at Metrohm. How do you
imagine your future career opportunities to look like?
Metrohm gave me the chance to work as a core team member as my first promotion
after 1.5 years, and also recently promoted me to the team leader. These two
promotions happened fairly quickly in my 3.5 year tenure. The next step in the
company Metrohm could be to manage a project as a project leader or to be the head
of a department. Let’s see what the future brings.
Which suggestions do you have for a recent ETH graduate applying for jobs or
It will be a very difficult time to find a job after graduating from ETH. If there is a
chance to attend an internship between the Bachelor and the Master studies, take it
to obtain practice work experience. There will be a time where companies do not
reply or you will be frustrated because they always give you the same answer.
Nevertheless, be sure you will find a company that will give you a chance.
Interview 2018

Dr. Vincent Diederich
Production Engineer & Interim Department Head, Department Separation Column Production
Production Engineer & Interim Department Head, Department Separation Column Production
Doctorate with Prof. Morbidelli at ETH Zurich (2008-2014) | |
M.Sc. Chemical and Bioengineering at ETH Zurich (2007-2008) | |
B.Sc. Chemical Engineering at ETH Zurich (2004-2007) |
Product Manager Chromatography Columns at Metrohm (2018) | |
Production Engineer & Interim Department Head, Department Separation Column Production at Metrohm (2015) | |
Research Associate at ETH Zurich (2014-2015) |
What are your responsibilities as a production engineer at Metrohm AG?
As a production engineer at Metrohm AG, I work in the column production department. I optimize the production of columns used in ion chromatography. More specifically, we work on ensuring the reproducibility and quality of our products while potentially lowering manufacturing costs.
You graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering. Does Metrohm AG also employ graduates of other fields of study (Chemistry, Interdisciplinary Sciences)?
Metrohm AG does indeed also have positions for chemists and interdisciplinary scientists. In the fields of device development and sales as well as in support and marketing, a thorough education in chemical analytics is certainly an advantage. However, also synthetic chemists find positions at Metrohm AG, for instance in the development and production of new column materials.
How does a typical work day in industry differ from one at university?
At university, one often works on a project alone. In industry, things look very different: Here, people from very different fields need to work together in order to be successful. I find the constant exchange with other departments very exciting, especially since you also get insights into the other activities of the company (research & development, sales, marketing, construction, quality management etc.).
What made you choose Metrohm as an employer? Can you describe how the application process worked for you?
A student in our research group worked on a project with Metrohm AG, so I first got into contact with the company this way. After my PhD, which was rather focused on basic research, I wanted to work on a project in industry. Thus, I applied with Metrohm AG for an advertised position. Although the position had already been filled, I was invited nevertheless and eventually began to work in another position.
Looking at your career at Metrohm, what are you plans and goals for the future? Which opportunities exist at your company for personal development?
Metrohm AG puts great emphasis on the internal development of their employees and supports them in their continuing education. Like this, everybody has opportunities to move ahead professionally. This is the case for me from November on. I will change jobs internally and focus on new tasks as Junior Product Manager in the Competence Center Ion Chromatography.
During your PhD with Professor Morbidelli here at ETH, your research focused on polymer hydrogels, a subject quite different from your professional focus today. Was that transition difficult?
At first glance, these subjects do indeed seem very different. However, there are similar polymerization mechanisms in the preparation of both hydrogels and materials for chromatographic columns. This made my first steps in the job a lot easier, from a technical point of view. Of course, I had to get used to the very different way of working in industry.
As a chemical engineer pursuing a career in industry, a PhD is not always a necessity. Did the title help you when applying for a job?
A PhD is indeed not always required for a chemical engineer in industry. I can’t judge whether or not my PhD helped me when applying. However, I am convinced that the techniques I learned during my thesis as well as the ability to intensify my knowledge in certain fields were an advantage for the application.
Which soft skills do you need in your current job at Metrohm and which chapters in your academic and professional career prepared you for this?
In my opinion, the biggest difference between working in industry and at university is the size and composition of the teams you work in. To be successful as a team, you not only need good technical competences but also a capacity for teamwork. This is something you can only learn to a certain extent or gain through experience. Playing basketball in a team or my involvement in different governing bodies might have helped me with that.
In my new role as product manager, I will be in regular contact with our subsidiaries all over the world. Here, my language skills will surely be useful.
In my new role as product manager, I will be in regular contact with our subsidiaries all over the world. Here, my language skills will surely be useful.
Does your job require you to stay on top of current research or do you rather focus on applying established technologies?
In my role as a production engineer it wasn’t necessary to stay up to date with current research all the time. I was mostly able to build on known and established technologies. In my future as a product manager, I will probably read scientific literature more often.
Which suggestions do you have for a recent ETH graduate applying for jobs or internships?
There are only very few exceptions where there is the perfect candidate. I would thus recommend that you also apply for jobs for which you don’t fulfill all requirements perfectly. There’s a rule of thumb saying that if you fulfill ca. 75 – 80 % of the criteria, you should definitely apply. The other competences can often be learned, in particular those that are technical in nature.
Interviews 2017

Dr. Sabrina Gschwind
Junior Product Manager
Junior Product Manager
BSc and MSc ETH Chemistry (2006-2010) | |
ETH Zürich PhD with Prof. Dr. Detlef Günther (2008-2011) |
Metrohm Application Specialist CC Titration (2015-2016) | |
Junior Product Manager (2016) |
What do you do as Junior Product Manager for Sensoren at Metrohm?
Our sensors are mainly used for titration and measurements (e.g. pH, conductivity, temperature). My responsibility is to manage and optimise our sensor portfolio. I support our products during their complete product life cycle. This starts by analysing the competition and the needs of our customers, goes over to supervise the development and the optimisation of products and ends with the discontinuation of sensors.
Do you have a lot of contact with customers? Is marketing also part of your job?
Supporting a product means that the corresponding marketing material has to be developed with our marketing department. Also our sites and customers have to be trained on the products. I am also part of committees for norms and currently I am responsible for the support in sensor-question of our sites (and therefore indirectly our customers).
You started out at Metrohm as Application Specialist for CC titration, what were your responsibilities back then?
As Application Specialist you are responsible for the creation of application documents. E.g. how can you determine a specific analyte using our machines. This also includes the search for international norms, that can be performed with our machines, the participation in ring trials and the tests of new machines or software.
Which areas of chemistry are needed at Metrohm? Is there a possibility to move into different areas, like marketing?
Methrohm offers a lot of possibilities for chemists. Be it in production or in development of column materials for ion chromatography (synthesis), as a chemist in the development of new machines, in software development or in sales and marketing or product management. An understanding of chemistry is advantageous on all areas and is valued deeply.
What made you choose Metrohm as an employer? How does Metrohm differ from other employers?
I arrived at Metrohm via a speculative application. I like the guiding principles and the size of the company. This gives you a lot of opportunity to get involved and to achieve something.
Is there a way to get to know Metrohm first-hand - either via internships or collaborations with universities?
There are different opportunities to catch some 'Metrohm air'. One the one hand we offer internships, on the other hand there is also the possibility to do your Bachelors or Masters thesis in one of our departements.
During your dissertation you developed a new system to insert nanoparticles into an ICP mass spectrometer – how could you use your experiences, that you made during this time, at Metrohm?
Mainly soft skills and my ability to think analytically. During my dissertation I came in contact with different instruments and had to use different software – this allowed me to quickly adapt to new things. In other regards, it is something very different – in my PhD I worked on the ultra-trace level (ppt-level) with nanoparticles, now with the titrations we are at a completely different level and are working from ppm- to %-levels.
You came to Metrohm directly after your PhD – how big was the change?
Very big. On the one hand, this was of course caused by the completely new field of work, but on the other hand also because the expectations regarding your work are completely different, compared to the university. In industry fascinating tasks are waiting for you, that have an economic merit and are geared towards applications. At the university your research on a much more theoretical level. I also had the possibility to work with a much more complex system and got to know a lot of different processes.
What are your goals within Metrohm? What are the options to develop oneself within Metrohm?
I am currently able to attend a training in product management. I hope to gather new ideas and will be able to provide a more focussed product management. Our company values commitment and supports this either financially or with internal trainings.
Last Question: What would your advice be for someone who recently graduated from ETH and is looking for a job?
Stay open minded, especially for jobs, which you might not have considered before.

Iris Kalkman
Product Specialist & Trainer
Product Specialist & Trainer
Apprenticeship Lab Technician Metrohm (2006-2009) | |
BSc and MSc ETH in Chemistry (2010-2014) |
Metrohm Application Specialist (2014-2017) | |
Metrohm Product Specialist (2017) |
What are your responsibilities as Product Specialist at Metrohm?
My work as product specialist includes the support of our subsidiary companies with regards to titration apparatuses and the securing of the know-how of our subsidiaries. To ensure this, I carry out courses and seminars in Switzerland and abroad.
And what do you do as Trainer?
I work with our apprentices and ensure that they receive the best education possible. Therefore they do analytic as well as synthetic work. Since the apprenticeship as a lab technician EFZ chemistry is very demanding, tutoring as well as the correction of reports and the support of practical work is part of my responsibilities.
Titrations are not the most popular thing during the labcourses, how did you end up in this field?
I sort of stumbled into this. In school, I titrated once and didn’t find it too bad. During my apprenticeship, titrations were an important part of the education, but not the only one. In my apprenticeship I saw all the parts of Metrohm. This included the different competence centres (Product & Application Management) as well as the R&D departments for titration, ion chromatography, voltammetry and the column production. That I ended up in titration, is thanks to the head of CC titration, who asked me after my apprenticeship, if I wanted to work for him.
What made you choose Metrohm as the company for your apprenticeship?
After school, I did not want to go to university directly and therefore decided for an apprenticeship. I applied to five different companies and Metrohm were the first to invite me for a closer look. I liked the team and the work during my trial period so much, that I chose Metrohm for my apprenticeship.
Which areas of chemistry are needed at Metrohm? Is there a possibility to move into different areas, like marketing?
At the Metrohm AG you need the understanding of analytics most of all. Our sites also keep us on our toes with support requests regarding inorganic and organic chemistry. Since our main site is in Herisau, we also have a departements, that test software or develop marketing material. Employees are also always encouraged to do trainings according to their own interests.
After your time at ETH, you decided to come back to Metrohm – what distinguishes Metrohm from other employers?
During my apprenticeship and in the following year in CC titration, I really enjoyed my time in the company and therefore didn’t even look for another company. When I was asked a year before my Masters degree, if I wanted to take over the apprentice training, I did not hesitate to say yes. I do not regret this decision at all.
What made you go back to Metrohm after your Masters? A lot of chemists are under the impression that you need a PhD to get a job…
I never considered doing a PhD. For me this was equivalent to the decision to get a job in R&D or as a boss that supervises her employees out of her office. Since I neither wanted to work in R&D nor wanted an office job, I decided that my academic career ends with my Masters degree.
Do you have certain advantages compared to your 'purely academic' colleagues?
During my studies the main advantage was that I didn’t have to do the first semester labcoure! Jokes aside – in my opinion, an apprenticeship provides more experience regarding the practical aspects of work. All steps are already part of the routine, this is something somebody fresh from university still has to learn.
What are your goals within Metrohm? What are the options to develop oneself within Metrohm?
When I started at Metrohm I was an application specialist. In this area I focussed mostly on the development of new applications. In the meantime I became a product specialist und support our subsidiaries and customers with regards to product specific questions. Right now I cannot even tell if I want to develop myself in the direction of marketing and product management or in the direction of support and innovation. I am very happy with my current position and don’t want to change it any time soon.
Last Question: What would your advice be for someone who recently graduated from ETH and is looking for a job?
After graduation there are a lot of different directions to take. Think carefully what you want to achieve. Depending on this, it might be necessary to get a PhD. Whether you want to go into research, industry or a completely different direction like marketing – everything is open for you. And if a prerequisite is experience – apply anyways. More often than not, there is still a possibility to start out in that company!
Merck Sharp & Dohme | Overview | Mettler Toledo |